

Wacky Wallpapers

By Lauren

Being in the interior design industry makes me prone to love all things about the home...but one item I believe every home should have might not be what you would expect. Wallpaper is what I'm talking about, but not your average grandmother's wallpaper.  Instead there are all sorts of fun, colorful, and wacky wallpapers on the market these days that will bring just the right amount of happiness to your walls!

How can you say no after all these amazing inspiration pictures?

And now some of my favorite options:

1. Wild Woods by Phillip Jeffries
2. Brett Design Wallpaper available at Studio Four
3. Brett Design Wallpaper available at Studio Four
4. Flat Vernacular Wallpaper
5. Kreme Wallpaper
6. Brett Design Wallpaper available at Studio Four
7. Kreme Wallpaper available at Studio Four
8. Paeona Wallpaper available at Anthropology 
9. Madagascar Wallpaper by Eskayel 
10. Owels of the British Isles Wallpaper available at Anthropology

One day soon I will show you photos of how I decorated my own apartment...I have 3 different wallpapers in one apartment!!! Do you like wallpaper? 


  1. gorgeous, i love the wallpaper.

  2. I love wallpaper and you introduced me to some new ones! Love

  3. I am drawn to pretty much all of these! Over the past year, I have fallen in love with wallpaper all over again!

  4. I had such a bad stigma about wall paper for a while–I always pictured it as old, yellowed and dowdy. However, I finally discovered how updated and chic it could be and now I cannot WAIT to get some into my future home. Great picks!

    The Glossy Life

  5. super chic! I've been looking for great printed wallpaper for my room <3

  6. I think this is so fun. I love the last one!
    xo Josie

  7. droooool!!!! There are so many gorgeous wallpapers and I cannot commit to just one!!! Love your choices!!


  8. I LOVE wallpaper and hopefully one day will have a place of my own to decorate as I please! I would love to wallpaper a walk in closet!

  9. I LOVE wallpaper...been dying to put some in my powder bath love so many of the one's pictured. I want so many of the Eskayel wallpapers but they are too pricey for my budget, oh well!


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